Sunday, February 8, 2015

maybe race track ??

for my racing level I want to have a desert themed biome with lots of desert plants and sedimentary rock cliffs.
I want to have these kind of rocks, and also the ones that arch over. I want players to drive under them, and have some of them fall over during the race. 

I'm not completely sure what time of day I want it to be set in yet, but I was thinking more of either dusk or night time, but I think dusk would be better.

I was also thinking about having neon signs around one of the major landmarks, which is a small motel.

and also rails to stop players from going where they're not supposed to for the first half of the map, then it switches to off road using detour signs. For that part I want it to be narrow and players can fall off the map here. 
So this is the map of what the track would look like... as you can see the first half is regular high way with twists and turns, aim is for players to just go as fast as they can to get ahead of the others before they get to the middle part where the challenges are. I want to implement falling obstacles that the players have to avoid, and then a corkscrew jump because those are super cool. yeyeahyeah

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