Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Game Design: Hero prop brainstorming!

  1. Tonfas to bowstaff
  2. Power gauntlet to shield, shield circles around and extends and then securs around forearm 
  3. ear piece to helmet
  4. glove grappling hook, extends to forearm and has different spots for the wire to secure without putting strain on the arm of the person 
  5. super sci fi flamethrower, can switch out the different thingies so it can spit flame and acid and other crazy things
  6. crossbow to blade, sides of the corssbow pull in and down to secure, then blade extends out? 
  7. Projectile power gloves, sides or something extend out to provide support to arm/hand and have charge up and cooldown indicator
  8. Halberd that has joints so it can bend near the blade and snap back
  9. wrist/arm guard to claw thing? 
  10. Jetpack backpack
Coming up with ideas is hard 

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