Thursday, October 2, 2014

Board Game Brainstorming!

  1. Kaiju battle kinda thing
    1. Basically fighting game between players, then capture some points. 
  2. Game like Werewolf but tabletop
    1. In werewolf where players craw a random card to figure out one person who's the wolf, someone who's the priest, and then they have to find out who the wolf is while the wolf is killing people. But this needs a lot of people, so I don't know.
  3. Adventure game of some sort
    1. Basic race to the finish kind go board game. Maybe space themed, because that's pretty cool. 
  4. Maybe a knight and princess themed board game?? 
    1. Go slay the dragon and rescue the princess before the other players do and there'll be obstacles in the way? Maybe not knight and princesses, maybe just a big dumb nerd trying to give a love letter to the hot girl.
  5. Game about Adaption or something like that
    1. players get a random role assigned via cards or dice roll or something, then they have to capture points and destroy the enemy.
  6. War game about Aliens going extinct
    1. Basically how it'll go is 2-4 people have to build up armies with little pieces and then they can fight. But I need to learn how war games work first.
  7. Maybe not Kaiju king of the hill, maybe aliens too
    1. Works the same way, but implement some sort of system where you have to get to the top of the hill first
  8. Memory tile kind of game
    1.  Mix of adventure, and so players see the full map at beginning of game then gets covered after and yeah
  9. Monkeys on a vine
    1. Trying to build vines to get from point A to point B 
  10. Bees pollinating flowers 
    1. Kind of like a control the most of the board kind of game
  11. Robin hood kind of thingy 
    1. Players get a certain amount of tokens or points then they have to take and give it to other players and whoever has the least amount at the end wins.
  12. Some kind of Game where players can't go over the same tiles as each other
    1. Players are trying to advance towards one point, but can't take the same paths. Allowed to back track and go around though.
  13. Bets 
    1. At the beginning of the game players bet a certain amount of tokens into the pot and as the game goes on they try to make whoever they bet for win, and game play tries to balance it out as well as possible 
  14. Team Swap
    1. Players start out in a team, but through cards and conquering other players teams can be rebuilt before everyone reaches the end. If you don't have a player that was on your team at the beginning of the game then that's points off. 
  15. Diseases!
    1. You're at a school and you're a kid trying not to get sick. Players get health points and can only take certain amount of hits before dying
  16. Sabotage and patterns
    1. Players are trying to set up a certain pattern given to them at the beginning of the game, but as the game progresses as each player tries to build their pattern others are trying to build theirs so it's just a mess
  17. Assassin type game
    1. Players are given a target and have to kill the other player 
  18. Spooky dead ghosts things!!
    1. You're a spooky ghost trying to cross over to the next life! But the skeletons are going to stop you so avoid the skeletons and get to the other side.
  19. Memory game
    1. Dice are rolled to determine what roles out of a list are in play for that game ( dumb things like whenever someone gets double dice they have to slap the table) as they proceed through the map.
  20. Game mechanic like Mario Party where winner is determined by number of stars a person has, but at the end there's super BS stars like worst player star.
Top 3: 
  • Robin hood kind of thingy 
    • Players get a certain amount of tokens or points then they have to take and give it to other players and whoever has the least amount at the end wins.
      • I like this one because it seems like a fun game to play with friends, and it's basically you trying to sabotage other players. That's always pretty fun. 

  • Game like Werewolf but tabletop
    • In werewolf where players craw a random card to figure out one person who's the wolf, someone who's the priest, and then they have to find out who the wolf is while the wolf is killing people. But this needs a lot of people, so I don't know
  • Memory game
    • PLayers see the full game board before the game starts, then becomes covered and Players are responsible for knowing not to step on trap cards and landing on good spaces and stuff.

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